

Don't hit the mid-semester wall

October hasn’t even arrived, but we’re all feeling it. Students are already suffering from exhaustion and no sense of motivation whatsoever. I’m definitely feeling the effects and know that there are hundreds of others experiencing it too. Being a junior, I even think pre senioritis has already begun to sink in. Which is a terrible thing because the time we all dread is slowly creeping up, the time where students are hit with midterm exams, papers, and presentations. Yet, as much as we would like, there’s no dodging it. We can’t just toss our education out the window. So that means hitting pause on that tv show you’ve been binge-watching on Netflix. 

PRIORITIZE. Can’t say that enough. Procrastination will become your worst enemy. I know first hand, trust me. Push aside any distractions and put more effort into the work. It’ll make a huge difference in the end and seeing good grades will take the weight off your shoulders. Work hard these next few months so instead of panicking over a lousy GPA you can panic over almost finishing your favorite show. 

photo credit: Semtrio Studying - Credit to via photopin (license)


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